NIAAH Scholars and Mentors are Needed

One of the main objectives of the National Institute for African American Health (NIAAH) is to support and mentor the next generation of Black physicians.  Getting in to medical school is hard and once admitted . . . successfully getting out of medical school is even harder.  NIAAH plans to connect African American pre-med students with physician mentors that can help guide them through this difficult journey.
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NIAAH Scholars

Once African American pre-med and medical student register to be a NIAAH Scholar, they are paired with a Black physician mentor who will schedule periodic meetings to get to know the student and offer advice or counsel while they progress through school.    The scholars are expected to share their academic progress freely with their mentor so that critical decisions such as when to take critical exams (MCAT for example), and how to best proceed through school.  The mentor would also be available to write a recommendation for the student in support of their matriculation to medical school, residency, and beyond.

NIAAH Medical Experts

NIAAH’s Medical Expert panel is composed of physicians from across the country in a myriad of specialties. These physicians have all taken the MCAT, been to medical school , residency, and more.  They are here to help the next generation navigate their journey a little more effortlessly.  NIAAH is enrolling physicians interested in giving back to their community by providing expert mentorship to African American students.